What I Do

I teach you to quieten negative mind chatter and use creative thinking to have more focus, less stress, and a clear roadmap to the life you want to create.

We all have negative or judgemental voices in our heads that whisper doubts and uncertainties many from childhood or from life events that have bruised us.

You aren’t enough – good enough/clever enough/pretty enough/slim enough etc…”

“People will laugh.”

“you’ll upset people – and they won’t like/love you any longer”

 ”Critics will rip you to shreds.”

“You don’t know where to start”.

“it’s easier to not change anything.”

Sometimes those voices come from well-intentioned people around us, friends, or family too…

“Be careful, you’re taking a risk.”

“You’re too old.”

“You’re nuts, you can’t start doing that, stick with what you know.”

“There’s no money in that.”

“Don’t rock the boat.”

And you could be tempted to listen because those lies and half-truths are persuasive.

But if you’re on this website, something isn’t right, and inside you want more. To feel empowered, change jobs, have a happier more fulfilled life, write, paint, play an instrument, coach, or be an entrepreneur–whatever it is you’re ready to harness your creative, innovative side to achieve your best life.

I have built two health and holistic therapy businesses from the ground up. I could have settled for that, but my inner voice kept nagging —I wanted to share insights from my healthcare career to those navigating adversity, not only from withinmy clinic but to a wider audience, by weaving them into captivating stories that feature resilient characters.

Amidst a sea of scientists and medics crafting scholarly works for peers, I aspired to write stories that could touch lives in a different way.

When I embarked on my novel writing journey, I had no formal training.

Although I had written many non-fiction articles and courses for work over forty years, my confidence in my creative abilities was fragile, compounded by the demands of running a family and the clinics. I felt out of my comfort zone, and the prospect of sharing my work with the world made me anxious. The hill to climb seemed huge.

Other self-doubts crept in – was I being selfish pursuing my dream? Should I count myself lucky and settle for what I had?

Refusing to give in to overwhelm or surrender, regardless of setbacks (which numbered a good few.)I stopped struggling alone and began to draw on mentoring from a network of amazing, successful people with one thing in common, their vision for a better life.

I use a fusion of my unique strengths emerged that I now bring to my Calm Confident, Create Coaching Programmes.

  • My knowledge of how the brain works.
  • Techniques to quiet the stress-producing inner voices
  • Exercises to activate the creative side of your brain, bring intuition and big picture thinking forward to allow your brain free rein to be innovative, navigate difficulties and take appropriate action while acting with empathy and compassion for yourself and others.
  • A deep knowledge of the body and the discomfort, pain and dysfunction that comes from denying our authentic self

From this fusion was born a simple, sustainable, and creative routine — a key to surmounting barriers and achieving goals.

My journey was invigorated by the incredible network I forged and today, I am a coach who is also an Amazon bestselling author, guest presenter for the BBC, Physiotherapist with two thriving clinics and holistic practitioner.

I want to share my knowledge and expertise with you, in my Calm Confident, Create Programmes.

Witnessing your amazing transformations ignites my own. I want to see you succeed and to believe in the uncharted life that awaits you.